Korsaan Part 7 Of Your E-Mail Course You Requested:

| Tuesday
"How I Went From Nothing To Earning A Healthy 6 Figure Income

In Less Than 12 Months"

Hi Korsaan,

Welcome to Part 7 of your email course.

By Ricky Knight, Lifestyle Secret Ltd


Following on from Goal Setting, I am now going to

cover the importance of self belief and the law of


I have been fortunate enough to be acquainted with

some really successful people over the years and

they all have a consistent trait.

They have amazing, unshakable belief in themselves.

They all knew that they would be really successful in their

given fields. There was absolutely no doubt.

I have a close friend that has been made bankrupt yet

he still knew that he would succeed. It was just a minor bump

in the road that stalled progress slightly. Not once did he

get miserable or lose focus on the end goal.

In fact the above scenario forced me into looking into the

subject a bit deeper and others that had been in a similar


Donald Trump is probably the most famous of

those I researched and went from the verge of bankruptcy

owing nearly a billion dollars to over 100 different banks to

becoming a multi billionaire. Not once did he lose his belief

in himself that he would sort it out.

I have read through around 50 books on the subject and have come

across some amazing content. This Part of the course only scratches

the surface and I would encourage you to do your own reading

and research.

I have noted below some of the best resources that I have come across:

- Think and Grow Rich - Napolean Hill

- Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins

- The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

- (http://www.thesecret.tv/thesecretfilm/) first 20 minutes of the film

- Ask and it is Given - Esther and Gerry Hicks

- Screw it Lets do it - Richard Branson

- Think Big Make it Happen - Donald Trump and Bill Zanker

A famous quote often used that you have probably come across already

is "whether you think you can or think you can't either way you're right" by

Henry Ford.

The reason that I continue to research and read up on the subject is

that there will be times when doubt creeps in. Whenever this starts to

happen with myself I pick up a book written by a super successful

person and read a couple of chapters.

I do this to tap into their mindset and experience and it gives

an instant lift and surge in positive energy as if I had just picked

up the phone to them. These guys are not quitters and they do

whatever it takes to succeed. I use them as if they are part of

my Mentor circle.

You may come across stats on the net that state anything

between 90% and 98% of people that start an internet business


I was completely taken aback by this and am determined to reverse

the ratio so that between 90% and 98% of people succeed. This is

one of my reasons for making this course readily available to anyone

that wants it.

You signed up to this course so that you could start making money

using the internet.

Let me just summarise exactly what we've covered:

- Researching your hungry market niche

- Bank account

- Domain name

- Web hosting

- Autoresponder

- Payment processing

- Best places to search for resale right products

- Set your price

- Squeeze page

- Sales letter

- Traffic Generation

- Goal setting

- Self Belief

This brings me to the end of the course and I'd like to thank you

for sticking with it. I know you will get some enormous value from

the content as so many others have before you.

Take action now and good luck,



Lifestyle Secret, First Floor Suite, 343a Wellingborough Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4ER, United Kingdom--
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