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Online Retail Explodes; Tops $43 Billion for Q4

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World Market Update - North America

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World Market Update
January 11, 2011 » A North American Market Perspective by Western Union


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European Tension Escalates, ECB Intervenes

Market Highlights:

  • Euro Stabilizes on Intervention, Japanese Vote of Confidence
  • Aussie Falls on Flooding
  • Interest Rate Momentum Sustaining Canadian Dollar
  • Inflation Back?

Euro Stabilizes on Intervention, Japanese Vote of Confidence

Panicked selling of Portuguese government debt drove the European Central Bank to intervene in the secondary bond markets yesterday, alleviating strain and putting a temporary floor under the euro. Later in the session, the euro moved up against the yen but exhibited surprisingly little movement against the other crosses after Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that his country would use some of its foreign exchange reserves to buy European debt.

A Portuguese bailout mounted via the European Financial Stability Facility has become a near certainty in the market's eyes. A rescue of Spain is the next possibility on the horizon, but the country's relative fiscal strength makes such an outcome slightly less probable. Belgium is rapidly moving toward crisis, with its government paralyzed, debt levels topping 100% of gross domestic product, and bond yields on a steady upward march.

The coming trading cycle should see another spike in volatility in the euro, in advance of the Portuguese debt auction. Spain and Italy are also due to sell securities on Thursday. Amid the uncertainty, many traders with large short positions will trim their exposures, while others will seek to place new bets on the currency's direction –leading to choppy trading conditions. Sharp reversals are common in this sort of environment, making it a good time to consider placing limit orders.

Aussie Falls on Flooding

The Australian dollar weakened against all of its major rivals as floodwaters threatened Brisbane, the country's third largest city. The currency is now sitting just above the .98 barrier against the US dollar, after topping 1.0225 only two weeks ago.

According to numbers released yesterday, November's trade surplus contracted as coal shipments declined in value and imports rose. Exports contribute roughly 20% of Australia's gross domestic product. Traders expect a further contraction in the weeks ahead as flooding damages mining and transportation infrastructure across Queensland state. Depending on the extent and duration of the economic damage, weakness in the Aussie may not last long, as there is little indication that this unfortunate event will substantially affect longer term growth prospects. 

Interest Rate Momentum Sustaining Canadian Dollar

Canada's dollar regained ground after slipping earlier in the trading cycle, trading near the .9930 mark once more as commodities provided support and domestic bond yields continued to march higher. Traders are steadily moving benchmark interest rate hike expectations forward as conditions in the country's largest export market improve and domestic lending continues to grow.

A third of Canada's gross domestic product is generated through exports, approximately 73% of which go directly to the United States. US growth forecasts from the major banks and government bodies have been aggressively upgraded in recent months, raising hopes that Canada's exports will gear up accordingly.  

Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada Agathe Côté was the latest in a line of policymakers to warn about consumer debt risk, highlighting the 170% growth in home equity loans over the last ten years as a particular area of concern in a speech yesterday. Home equity loans tend to be indexed to floating interest rates, making them particularly sensitive when rates rise sharply – an echo of the adjustable rate mortgages that caused so much havoc in the US economy two years ago.

The central bank raised benchmark rates in an effort to slow lending last year, and clearly remains motivated to put the brakes on further debt increases. Whether the Bank will hike rates in the face of a strong dollar and uncertain export conditions remains to be seen, but rising yield differentials are providing support for the currency at the moment. This is reminiscent of the dynamic seen early last year, which bolstered the exchange rate for almost six months before interest rates were actually increased.

Inflation Back?

After meetings in Switzerland, the traditionally inflation sensitive European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet put the subject back on policymaker agendas, saying: "This is no time for complacency and the solid anchoring of inflation expectations is considered something that is important by all of us". Trichet is remembered for hiking rates the last time that prices were rising sharply just prior to the financial crisis. He called for central bankers to maintain vigilance, saying "We have to deliver price stability and need to be credible in this delivery".

While prices are not moving as quickly as they did in 2008, inflation indicators are steadily ticking up around the planet, as economies improve and commodity prices rally. Central banks created massive amounts of new money in the wake of the financial crisis, and much of this liquidity has sloshed into the real economy over time. As Warren Buffett said in 2009; "Economic medicine that was previously meted out by the cupful has recently been dispensed by the barrel. These once unthinkable dosages will almost certainly bring on unwelcome after-effects. Their precise nature is anyone's guess, though one likely consequence is an onslaught of inflation".

Prices have skyrocketed in much of the emerging world, and annualised increases are already well above central bank comfort levels in the United Kingdom and Europe. At the same time, deflationary conditions remain entrenched in the United States and Japan.

History suggests that relatively high inflation rates tend to cause exchange rates to depreciate. When prices rise more quickly, a country's goods become less competitive and export revenues fall. Demand for the currency drops as fewer foreign buyers purchase it, and domestic consumers sell it to buy foreign goods.
As always, markets act on expectations. High inflation expectations often lead to downward adjustments in exchange rates as traders act in anticipation of future conditions.

The seventies and eighties were marked by wide variations in inflation rates, which drove extensive dislocations in foreign exchange rates. It is difficult to know whether the modern central banking system will successfully calibrate stable inflation paths in the years ahead, but it is very likely that price expectations will once again become a large influence on global currency markets. Something to keep an eye on – particularly for corporate treasurers with dual, correlated exposures to interest rates and currencies.

Happy trading!

By Karl Schamotta, Market Strategist
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World Market Update - North America

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World Market Update
February 7, 2011 » A North American Market Perspective by Western Union

Employment Optimism Carries Markets Higher

Market Highlights:

  • Employment Reports Confuse, Support Markets
  • US Treasury Avoids Confrontation with China
  • Euro Falls on German Weakness

Employment Reports Confuse, Support Markets:

The US dollar and commodity complex continued to strengthen over the weekend as trader grew more optimistic about growth prospects in the wake of Friday's Non-Farm Payrolls report. 

The Canadian employment market continued to blow forecasts out of the water, with 69,200 new jobs created in January. Numbers released by Statistics Canada on Friday stated that the pool of available labour expanded by 106,400, increasing the unemployment rate to 7.8% from 7.6% in December. Yields on government instruments jumped as investors raised rate hike expectations, and the Canadian dollar leapt into the 0.9850 area against the US dollar. 

The US payroll report itself confused many observers, as statistical methods were changed and different types of data were included. Without getting too far into the technical details, US employers added 36,000 positions, well short of expectations. However, the unemployment rate dropped to 9%, against expectations closer to 9.5. Revised December data showed that payrolls increased by 121,000 instead of the previously reported 103,000.

After an initially negative reaction to the headline numbers, this data was interpreted in a broadly favourable manner in the financial markets. Bond traders moved Federal Reserve rate hike expectations forward, pushing up yields on the short and long ends of the curve. Copper, which has long been considered a proxy for economic activity, rose to a new trading record above $10,100 a tonne in trading on the London Metal Exchange.

Simultaneously, investors worldwide began to retreat from panicky trades as they shifted toward the belief that unrest in Egypt would be contained and crude oil would continue to flow. Front month WTI prices floated down to the $89 mark, while Brent slipped to just above $100 a barrel. The Japanese yen fell on diminished safe haven demand.

Stock markets are also seeing stable trading, with investors broadly optimistic but cautious about pushing rallies too far. The VIX index is now flirting with the 16 level, a post-crisis low. The indicator measures volatility expectations in the equity markets, and is often known as the "fear index". For currency markets, low VIX levels often presage turning points - by definition, periods when expectations are balanced are followed by periods when they are not. Stepping up hedging activities while the markets are complacent makes good sense from a cost perspective (particularly on options products), and from a risk protection perspective.

US Treasury Avoids Confrontation With China:

In a move that surprised no one, the US Treasury Department declined to name China a "currency manipulator" in its biannual report to Congress on Friday. The Treasury is mandated by law to seek arbitration through the International Monetary Fund when it determines that a country is actively manipulating exchange rates. This process carries huge political implications and can set trade negotiations back by years, so is not undertaken lightly.

The report did note that the yuan "remains substantially undervalued" even though the currency has appreciated at a gradual pace since early last year. The currency issue has slipped down the political priority list in recent months as the US economy has improved. Several influential observers have pointed out that high inflation in China is boosting imports and rebalancing economic activity, helping to narrow the current account surplus.

Nonetheless, opposition to China's fixed exchange rate regime remains strong. Democratic Senator Charles Schumer reiterated sentiments that he has expressed for years, saying "it's as plain as the nose on your face that China manipulates its currency. It's just as plain that the only way to address this problem is for Congress to act".

China is the United States' second largest trading partner, after Canada. The US/Canada trade relationship remains roughly a third larger, but the gap is narrowing quickly.

Euro Falls on German Weakness:

The euro slipped slightly after the Economy Ministry in Berlin said that German factory orders had dropped 3.4% in December. While some weakness was expected due to holiday-related inventory rebalancing, the report surprised many traders who had forecast a better result. However, factory order reports are notoriously volatile on a month to month basis. Fourth quarter numbers still point to an ongoing acceleration in the German economy, meaning that the reaction to the headline may blow over relatively quickly. 

The euro continues to surprise skeptics. Negotiations about an expansion of the collective rescue fund are ongoing, and some sort of resolution is expected in early March. At the same time, Germany's Merkel and France's Sarkozy are spearheading efforts to further integrate the economies of the European Union. They have proposed a "competitiveness pact" that would hold member countries to a common set of economic principles. Variables such as taxes and minimum wages would be standardized across the common currency zone.

While many countries have already expressed their distaste for these proposals, traders have clearly decided to give Europe's leaders the benefit of the doubt. Short positions on the currency have decreased markedly, and the euro has outperformed year-to-date as investors have flocked back into the debt markets.

Political risks remain, and Chancellor Merkel is facing significant domestic opposition from taxpayers who do not want to be put on the hook for the profligacy of other nations. She appears to have decided that the consequences associated with the potential failure of the common currency project are too dire to contemplate, and is willing to risk her political capital in an effort to support it. Merkel's strength and ideological flexibility have surprised many observers, but as Nietzsche said, "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you". 

Have a great week – and happy trading!

By Brendan McGrath, Senior FX Trader
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Blogging Tips - February 7, 2011 How Does Personal Branding Fit in With Your Business?

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