Webcast: Using Analytics Insight to Build an Optimized Website

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Moving from Data Paralysis to Actionable Analysis: Using Analytics Insight to Build an Optimized Website
Tuesday, December 14 @ 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST
FREE Webcast | Register now!

Forrester research has recognized that one of the analytics 'chasms' that marketers must cross in order to mature their use of online analytics is the action chasm. In other words, data is only as good as the action that it allows you to take. Best in class marketers are producing relevant messages, profitable promotions, and engaging experiences based on online analytics.

How are you leveraging your current analytics data to make meaningful business decisions? Does the analysis you are conducting leave you swimming in a sea of numbers, or are you able to generate unique insight that allows you to improve your marketing efforts?

Join Jim Sterne, President of the Web Analytics Association, and Brandon Proctor, VP of Marketing at Build.com, as they discuss:

  1. How smart marketers glean actionable insight from online analytics
  2. How Build.com created a strong analytics foundation
  3. Moving from data analysis to insight and optimization

If your business' success depends heavily on your Website, you'll want to hear what two of the world's best marketers have to say about online analytics and optimization.


Jim Sterne Jim Sterne
Web Analytics Assn
Brandon Proctor Brandon Proctor
VP of Marketing

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