- Wednesday, December 1, 2010

| Wednesday

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UK Christians declare they are “Not Ashamed” in new Christmas campaign

The group behind the campaign says they are "speaking up for the Christian foundation of our society" and calling on politicians and other leaders to protect religious freedoms.

Attempt to force gay ‘marriage’ in Austria fails

The European Court of Human Rights has refused to hear an appeal from a pair of homosexualist activists.

Massive fallout from confusion over Pope’s condom remarks predicted

The "destruction of countless children in the womb" and the "corruption" of children already born will be the result of the massive confusion, said John Smeaton.

After abortion clash, Vatican asks Brazil to keep diplomatic status

Russian Orthodox Church approves condom use in wake of Pope Benedict’s remarks

"The Foundations of the Social Policy of the Russian Orthodox Church distinguishes between abortive and non-abortive contraception," said Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin.

Prohibiting sex offenders from adoption ‘discriminatory’ says report

"Sex offenders shouldn't all be tarred with the same brush," said Helen Reece of the London School of Economics.

Swedish Parents jailed for spanking; children seized

The court noted that the parents "had a loving and caring relationship with their children," but still issued the sentence.

Pentagon report dismisses servicemen concerns as ‘stereotypes’ and ‘exaggerated’

"[T]here are gay men and lesbians already serving in today's U.S. military, and most Service members recognize this," stated U.S. Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, and Jeh Charles Johnson, General Counsel for the Department of Defense.

Victory: ‘Women Veterans Bill of Rights’ passes House with abortion restrictions

A bill that pro-life leaders feared could be used to fund abortion with federal dollars has been amended to exclude the procedure.

‘Black children are in danger’ pro-life billboards arrive in Wisconsin

While only constituting 6.2 percent of the population, black women in the state account for 24 percent of the abortions there.

Judge strikes down suit challenging Obamacare on abortion mandate

Liberty University argued that forcing the school to cover abortion under ObamaCare would violate its religious values.

Now 12 confirmed: Two more bishops cut funding to national social justice arm

A large number of bishops have criticized the organization's mishandling of Catholic funds, but for now are allowing CCHD the opportunity to prove itself.

Just-released Pentagon report shows combat troops concerned about gays in military

47.5 percent of U.S. Army soldiers and 57.5 percent of Marines said allowing open homosexuals to serve alongside them would have a "negative effect" on their unit's task cohesion.

Carleton University proposes special limits on pro-life activity

The university proposes to set up a designated "zone" on campus where the pro-life students could stand with their signs, and to forbid them from approaching other students as they walk by.

A March for the victims — that excludes the victims?

It's bewildering that some pro-lifers argue that pro-life gatherings, such as marches, should exclude images of the aborted pre-born.


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