| Wednesday

1. If you see a classified ad that sounds really good for you but only lists a fax number and
no company name, try to figure out the company by trying similar numbers. For example,
if the fax number is 555-4589, try 555-4500 or 555-4000, and get the company name
and contact person so you can send a more personalized letter and resume.
2. Send your resume in a Priority Mail envelope for the serious prospects. It only costs $3,
but will stand out and get you noticed.
3. Check the targeted company’s Web site; they may have postings there that others without
computer access haven’t seen.
4. If you see a classified ad for a good prospective company but for a different position, contact
them anyway. If they are new in town (or even if they’re not), they may have other
nonadvertised openings.
5. Always have a personalized card with you in the event that you meet a good networking
or employment prospect.
6. Always have a quick personal briefing rehearsed to speak to someone.
7. Network in nonwork environments, such as a happy-hour bar (a great opportunity to
network) or an airport.
8. Network with your college alumni office. Many college graduates list their current
employers with that office, and they may be a good source of leads, even out of state.
9. Most newspapers list all the new companies that have applied for business licenses.
Check that section and contact the ones that appear appealing to you.
10. Call your attorney or accountant and ask them if they can refer you to any companies or
business contacts; perhaps they have a good business relationship that may be good for
you to leverage.
11. Contact the Chamber of Commerce for information on new companies moving into the
local area.
12. Don’t give up if you’ve had just one rejection from a company you are targeting. You
shouldn’t feel that you have truly contacted that company until you have contacted at
least three different people there.
13. Join networking clubs and associations that will expose you to new business contacts.
14. Ask stockbrokers for tips on which companies they identify as fast growing and good
companies to grow with.
15. Make a list of everyone you know and use them as a network source.
16. Put an endorsement portfolio together and mail out with targeted resumes.
17. Employ the hiring proposal strategy. (See 101 Best Cover Letters.)
18. Post your resume on the Internet, selecting news groups and bulletin boards that will
readily accept it and match your industry and discipline.
19. Don’t forget to demonstrate passion and enthusiasm when you are meeting with people,
interviewing with them, and networking through them.
20. Look in your industry’s trade journals. Nearly all industries and disciplines have several,
and most have advertising sections in the back that list potential openings with
companies and recruiters. This is a great resource in today’s low-unemployment environment.
21. Visit a job fair. For most professionals, there won’t be managerial positions recruited for,
but there will be many companies present, and you may discover a hot lead. If they are
recruiting in general, you should contact them directly for a possible fit.
22. Don’t overlook employment agencies. They may seem like a weak possibility, but that
may uncover a hidden opportunity or serve as a source to network through.
23. Look for companies that are promoting their products using a lot of advertising. Sales
are probably going well, and they may be good hiring targets for you.
24. Call a prospective company and simply ask them who their recruiting firm is. If they
have one, they’ll tell you, and then you can contact that firm to get in the door.
25. Contact every recruiter in town. Befriend them, and use them as networking sources if
possible. Always thank them, to the point of sending them a small gift for helping you
out. This will pay off in dividends in the future. Recruiters are always good contacts.


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