In today's Macworld Preview:
• In the February issue • App Guide Selections • exclusives
Inside the
February 2011
Macworld Our annual awards issue is one of my favorites, because it gives all of us on the Macworld editorial staff a chance to get together, talk about our favorite products of the past year, and have a few good arguments. Every one of us has a few particular favorites, and we can be pretty passionate about defending them. (We focus primarily on products released in the past 12 months, with the occasional exception for products that previously escaped our notice but had some kind of impact in the past year.)
Eventually, though, we come to some kind of consensus about which products really belong and which will have to be dropped. Some of the products on this years list won't surprise anyone. (I'm looking at you, iPad.) Others you may have never heard of. (Do you know about Sparkle? You probably use it all the time without knowing it.) And some of your favorite products may not have made the list at all.
Between our 24 Eddy Award winners (and the 24 App Gems Award winners we also highlight in the February issue), I think youll find a bunch of products that are worthy of your consideration. With any luck, youll find some that you didnt even know existed. Bringing such products to the attention of a wider audience is one of our favorite things to do.
As always, we'd love to hear what you think about the issue. Come on over to the Macworld reader forums and let us know.
Dan Miller
Executive Editor
In the February Issue
The 26th Annual Editors Choice Awards
Each year, we honor the best Mac products of the past twelve months. Did your favorites win?
You can compare them to last year's Editors' Choice Awards.
Macworlds 2010 App Gems Awards
The App Store is just over two years old, but there are hundreds of thousands of apps available for download. We tip our hats to the best of them.
Visit the Macworld App Guide to see all of our app reviews
Five Fantastic Address Book Tips
How to save time and get more out of OS Xs contact manager.
See all of Macworld's How-tos and Tips
App Guide
Check out Macworld's App Guide: Where we--and you--review hundreds of apps for the iPhone, iPod and iPad.
Top user-rated apps
App Guide readers' favorites.
Top-rated Business Apps
Use your iPhone or iPad for more than just fun and games, with these business-ready apps.
Call Me Anytime
Save money on your phone bill with these free Voice over IP (VoIP) apps. Exclusives
Macworld Reviews
The latest Mac products, tested and rated.
Business Center
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Digital Photo
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