In tonight's programme

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Thursday 28 October 2010 at 10.30pm on BBC Two
Presented by Kirsty Wark

Tonight we have an exclusive interview with one of the first soldiers on the scene of the now infamous "Crazyhorse" helicopter attack in Iraq, cockpit video footage of which became the first major leak of Iraq war material on the Wikileaks website.

In a moving interview, Ethan McCord - who has now left the army - describes how he saved a child from the wreckage of the vehicle, and the lasting effect the events have had on his life.

And we'll hear what one of the world's most influential experts on counterinsurgency and modern warfare, David Kilcullen, who served as an adviser to General David Petraeus, thinks about the phenomenon of Wikileaks.

Head of MI6 Sir John Sawers has become the first serving MI6 chief to make a televised speech. We'll be joined by a former senior intelligence chief to discuss its significance.

And, as the 50th anniversary of the end of the Lady Chatterley obscenity trial at the Old Bailey approaches, we get exclusive access to unpublished documents from the case against Penguin Books - who published the uncensored version of the controversial novel. And we'll debate the impact the novel had on the way authors write explicit material.

Do we have D H Lawrence to thank for the Bad Sex Awards?

Join Kirsty at 10.30pm on BBC Two.

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