- Article Marketing Directory: Root Category - 3 new articles

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My Tactics for Getting Those Top 5 Spots in Google Posted By : Titus Hoskins

It is this time factor which DEFEATS most people. They don't have the patience or the resources to wait it out. After a couple of months they throw up their hands and come away believing all this Internet marketing stuff is for the birds.

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Varadarajan: To Say That Michele Obama is The Most Powerful Woman in The World is Retrograde, Misogynist & Tediously Sexist Posted By : Tunku Varadarajan

Women in the White House are always lightning rods. But to endow them all with power that they don't have demonstrably, or that they derive only indirectly through marriage, is male chauvinism, pure and simple.

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Why Obama is a Lock in 2012; How The Tea Party Will Shoot The GOP in Foot Ensuring Obama's Re-election Posted By : Peter Beinart

Sure, things look grim for the Dems this fall. But the base will rally, the economy will turn up, and the GOP will shoot itself in the footensuring the president a second term. There's only one Democratic pol who could keep Obama up at night, and she's safely tucked away at the State Department.

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